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Letting Go of the Old You

As I transition from CFO to Coach/Entrepreneur I have been working on letting of the old me to make room for this new season of life. I honestly thought I was embracing this new season/new me well. I was prioritizing family and putting boundaries around my time. I was saying YES to lunch with friends and NO to working long hours. I was was focused on being not doing. I even had no make up days during the week. 🙂

But God kept speaking to me about letting go of the old season/old me and embracing the new season/new me.

As I journaled with God, I realized I was still using my CFO brain to launch Prosper Always vs my new Kingdom Entrepreneur brain. Meaning, I was being money minded vision mission minded. It’s not that being money minded is wrong, we are called to be wise stewards of the resources God has given to us. Money just needs to support the mission or purpose God has given you, not be be the focus.

Here are a few areas I need to let go of and embrace a new mindset

Money Minded vs. Mission Minded

  • Sales Growth -> Impact Growth
  • Profits / ROI -> People / Relationships
  • Cash Flow -> Creative Flow
  • Achieving -> Experiencing
  • Budget / Cuts -> Abundance / Overflow
  • Strategic Plan -> Strategic Path
  • Productivity -> Purposeful
  • Success -> Legacy

What about you my friend?

As you step out into creating your dream or a new season of life are you still using an old mindset or embracing a new mindset for this new season of your life?

What do you need to let go in order to be the new you?

May You Prosper Always,




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